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Interesting issue with Pidgin and Wine

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    Interesting issue with Pidgin and Wine

    I recently did a fresh install of Kubuntu 10.4 64 bit, and grabbed my normal programs I use, and I've come across something that's never happened before. If I have Pidgin (IM client), and Wine running a game of some sort at the same time, the game's sound will run, but any sound from Pidgin will not play. I've tried switching the sound in Pidgin's preferences, no help. Funny thing is, anything else works. I can play a movie, and get sound on the movie, and the game. I can open up Amarok, and play music and get sound in both. I can open up a web browser, and play a video, or music file, and both work. But if I have Wine playing a game, Pidgin loses sound.

    Any suggestions?