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Amarok crashes with Audio CD

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    Amarok crashes with Audio CD

    Well, here we go again. Amarok is pre-installed with Lucid, so hey, why not give it another try? Inserted an audio CD into the caddy, waited for the Device Notifier to pop-up, and selected Play Audio CD with Amarok. Yup. It crashed.

    The initial crash backtrace was not useful - was told that - and opted to have it download/install the debug packages:


    When that finished, I reloaded the trace. This time I was told the backtrace was useful. Goody!! Submitted it to which is recorded as Bug 236116 - Amarok crashes with audio CD
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

    Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

    Snowhog, does this still happen? I see that the bug is unconfirmed. It doesn't happen for me in GIT.



      Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

      Snowhog is right- when I choose to open music CD with Amarok from device notifier nothing happens. Amarok doesn't even opens.
      IMHO the bug is pretty damn confirmed.


        Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

        Originally posted by valoriez
        It doesn't happen for me in GIT.

        Well, that's nice (for you) that pulling from GIT and compiling Amarok results in a stable application. But why should normal users have to go through that?! In our case (Kubuntu), Amarok and audio CD issues have been around since the move to Amarok version 2. Making sure that Amarok works in Kubuntu is the responsibility of the developer.

        I'd love to use Amarok - really, I would. But it simply isn't the application "for all you music needs" that the developers tout on Amaroks home page. :P
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

          I wasn't implying that everyone should build from source, but simply that the problem is now solved. I can't test whether or not Amarok starts up from the Notification menu, because I build Amarok from source. However, I'm not sure that's an Amarok bug anyway.

          I do know that at the present time, I can put in a CD, and once it appears in Amarok, right-click it into the playlist, where it plays without a hitch. Ripping also works very well from the right-click menu.

          So, if you are having problems now, next release they should be solved. By the way, i run Kubuntu.

          All the best,



            Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

            The problem is that Amarok just does not see th audio CD.

            I start Amarok and let it load. I insert an audio CD. The device notifier shows up, but I ignore it, and it closes. Amarok never detects the audio CD. :P
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

              I don't think your device notifier is working quite right. It should actually offer you several choices, about what you want to do with the CD:

              - play with ..... ?
              - open in Dolphin?
              - open with K3b?



                Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

                It does. Play Audio CD with Amarok is one of the choices. If I select it, Amarok launches, but the CD is not identified. I have another thread in KFN on that issue, which involved writing my own Device Action do to an error in the default. This was back in Karmic, but the problem persists in Lucid. I even have a thread on it on KDE Community Forums.
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

                  Aha -- OK, I misunderstood you. I can't run Amarok -- when it finds my 90,000 music "files" (mostly the residuals of audacity recording a bunch of records), it will sit and index for the next 5 hours, sucking my CPU dry ...


                    Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

                    Originally posted by dibl
                    Aha -- OK, I misunderstood you. I can't run Amarok -- when it finds my 90,000 music "files" (mostly the residuals of audacity recording a bunch of records), it will sit and index for the next 5 hours, sucking my CPU dry ...

                    You might try (with Amarok closed) running amarokcollectionscanner from the console. Next time you start up Amarok, you'll want to ask it to fully rescan your collection, but it shouldn't take long. At that point, if everthing shows up correctly, great. If not, shut it down again, and re-open (quit from the menu, or Control Q).

                    Now is your entire collection showing up correctly?


                    On the question of Amarok being started from the Device Notifier -- that sounds like a bug in Device Notifier, rather than Amarok. Or perhaps in the handoff between them. But if you start up Amarok, and then insert the CD, does it show up and play?



                      Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

                      Originally posted by valoriez
                      On the question of Amarok being started from the Device Notifier -- that sounds like a bug in Device Notifier, rather than Amarok. Or perhaps in the handoff between them. But if you start up Amarok, and then insert the CD, does it show up and play?
                      1) Launch Amarok and let it fully load
                      2) Insert Audio CD and wait for it to be recognized by Device Notifier (my que that the CD has been 'read' and ready for an action)
                      3) In Amarok, click on Local Music (Local sources of content)
                      4) Audio CD is listed, showing me the loaded Audio CD and contents
                      5) Double-click or click+drag on Audio CD to add/move it to the Playlist works
                      6) Click on the Play button and the Audio CD is played

                      I'll write up another post on Amarok, as (now?) it appears to be working as designed; that the problems (I had) may have been my (mistaken) belief on how Amarok was supposed to work.

                      I do believe their "might be" an error in the default (as installed) Device Action for Amarok. But as I've modified mine and don't have a copy of the original (normally I do keep such), can anyone who has a default install of Kubuntu 10.04 32-bit, running KDE 4.4.4, and has made no changes to the Amarok Device Action, tell me what is shown for the entries:

                      The description:
                      Parameter type:
                      Device type:
                      Value name:
                      (or if not Contains)

                      Thank you.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Re: Amarok crashes with Audio CD

                        Thanks for testing. At least you CAN play a CD, even if not from the event notifier.

                        There definitely is a bug in that if you choose the action "play with Amarok", Amarok should start up and play. I hope you will file a bug about this. When I see it, I'll try to poke some people to test and confirm it.


