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Kubuntu creates extra partition?

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    Kubuntu creates extra partition?

    So, I recently had to surrender and install windows back onto my machine for work. I tried using virtualbox so I didn't have to dual boot but found my usb ports were non functioning. Tried a few fixes found online(No avail) and ended up deciding to go ahead a dual boot.

    Installed windows, all was well, installed kubuntu, ran updates, all was well. The next morning, on my boot menu I have FOUR kubuntus. One generic and one "safemode"(can't remember what it's called) and then another copy of each.
    I know the two are supposed to be there....the other two, uh, wtf?

    What is this? Is this normal?
    Should I try to reinstall? Or should I just use gparted and delete the other partition?

    Thanks for any help in advance.

    Re: Kubuntu creates extra partition?

    this is normall....and it is not new partition's

    what it IS that during the updates you got a new kernel .....and you now have it as a choice to boot.

    IF theirs no probs with the new kernel you may remove the older one with your package manager along with it's headers and modules.

    I keep 3 of them just encase something goes strange with 1 I have 2 backups.....(the kernel and it's modules are the base of your system that all else is built on)

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Kubuntu creates extra partition?

      Thanks a bunch! I didn't even think of that, duh!

