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Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

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    Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

    I am using Kubuntu 10.04 64-bit and have disabled plymouth in order to see what exactly is going on during

    Almost everytime I shutdown/reboot my computer I see the following msg:

    Unmounting weak filesystems...
    mount :/ is busy

    and then the computer shuts down.

    On startup, I receive the msg that the drive (sda1 in my case) needs to be recovered:

    EXT3-fs: INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem
    EXT3-fs: recovery complete

    I found a similar report here:

    but applies to the 10.10 release.

    I am worried that this can cause data corruption or loss. Is anybody else experiencing this? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
    Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit

    Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

    Are you running KDE 4.5 ?

    Is it halting instead of powering down, but that fact is hidden by a black, blank screen? Then you press the power button to shut it off?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

      I am using KDE 4.5 but the computer is shutting down completely, it does not halt. I have reasons to believe that the problem is related to KDE 4.5 since a clean install with 4.4.2 was not giving me these problems. The moment I updated to 4.5 it started again. I have filed a report on kde-bugs, see here for more info:

      Did you have a problem like this under 4.4.2 (or 4.4.5 for that matter)?
      Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit


        Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

        I've had the same problem in both 32- and 64-bit KDE 4.5 installs. I added lsof to /etc/init.d/umountfs like this -

        # Unmount local filesystems
        lsof > /home/wizard/Documents/lsof.txt
        if [ "$WEAK_MTPTS" ]; then
        # Do not use -f umount option for WEAK_MTPTS
        if [ "$VERBOSE" = no ]
        log_action_begin_msg "Unmounting weak filesystems"
        fstab-decode umount -r -d $WEAK_MTPTS
        log_action_end_msg $?
        log_daemon_msg "Will now unmount weak filesystems"
        fstab-decode umount -v -r -d $WEAK_MTPTS
        log_end_msg $?
        if [ "$REG_MTPTS" ]
        if [ "$VERBOSE" = no ]
        log_action_begin_msg "Unmounting local filesystems"
        fstab-decode umount -f -r -d $REG_MTPTS
        log_action_end_msg $?
        log_daemon_msg "Will now unmount local filesystems"
        fstab-decode umount -f -v -r -d $REG_MTPTS
        log_end_msg $?

        and have attached the output - maybe that'll help. I also added a comment and the attachment to your bug report.

        cheers -
        Attached Files
        we see things not as they are, but as we are.
        -- anais nin


          Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

          Thanks for this. I have posted a workaround in the KDE report. Can you confirm if it works for you? I will be posting in KDE website from now on.
          Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit


            Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

            It worked, but dropping to a console login from kdm and just issuing "sudo shutdown -r now" still said "/ is busy" on shutdown. Still playing with it.

            Also, if you look at the output from lsof all the open files are called by a process owned by root. As far as I can tell KDE processes are owned by the user who started it - so I'm not real sure this is a KDE problem.
            we see things not as they are, but as we are.
            -- anais nin


              Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

              Well, it is not 100% confirmed that the problem is due to KDE 4.5. I believe it though because a clean install with KDE 4.4.2 did not have any problems, while the update to KDE 4.5 resulted in the "/ is busy" issue. I hope the KDE developers will reply in my report...
              Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit


                Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

                Originally posted by tekkenlord
                Well, it is not 100% confirmed that the problem is due to KDE 4.5. I believe it though because a clean install with KDE 4.4.2 did not have any problems, while the update to KDE 4.5 resulted in the "/ is busy" issue. I hope the KDE developers will reply in my report...
                Agreed - it started happening to me when I installed KDE 4.5. Maybe it's a KDE 4.5 dependency?

                It will be interesting to find out, though.
                we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                -- anais nin


                  Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

                  It would be interesting to take the recovery boot up option and choose a root console with networking, then do a shutdown command and see if it hangs.

                  A second experiment would be to get a root console with networking and then start kdm and once the KDE desktop is running click the shutdown button and when you get the console back then do a shutdown and see what happens.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

                    Originally posted by GreyGeek
                    It would be interesting to take the recovery boot up option and choose a root console with networking, then do a shutdown command and see if it hangs.

                    A second experiment would be to get a root console with networking and then start kdm and once the KDE desktop is running click the shutdown button and when you get the console back then do a shutdown and see what happens.
                    I did #2 - logged on to a root console with networking, su to my regular user account then started kdm and logged on. Shutdown didn't hang.
                    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                    -- anais nin


                      Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

                      I will try both and post back.

                      For #1: it works fine, unmounting is done properly

                      For #2: I start on recovery mode, get a root console with network, start kdm. Log in KDE and shutdown from the button. I do not go back to the console (do not know why) but shutdown is still clean.

                      What can this mean?

                      Regarding the KDE 4.5 dependencies that you mentioned, the update from KDE 4.4.5 to 4.5 requires the extra packages be installed:

                      docbook-xml docbook-xsl docbook-xsl-doc-html gnupg2 kdegraphics-libs-data kdelibs5-plugins kdepimlibs-kio-plugins kdoctools kinfocenter libakonadi-contact4 libakonadi-kabc4 libakonadi-kcal4
                      libakonadi-kde4 libakonadi-kmime4 libcln6 libgpgme++2 libgps19 libkabc4 libkatepartinterfaces4 libkblog4 libkcal4 libkde3support4 libkdecore5 libkdesu5 libkdeui5 libkdewebkit5 libkdnssd4 libkfile4
                      libkholidays4 libkhtml5 libkimap4 libkimproxy4 libkio5 libkjsapi4 libkjsembed4 libkldap4 libkmediaplayer4 libkmime4 libknewstuff2-4 libknewstuff3-4 libknotifyconfig4 libkntlm4 libkonqsidebarplugin4a
                      libkontactinterface4 libkparts4 libkpimidentities4 libkpimtextedit4 libkpimutils4 libkpty4 libkresources4 libkrosscore4 libkrossui4 libksba8 libktexteditor4 libktnef4 libktorrent-l10n libktorrent1
                      libkunitconversion4 libkutils4 libkwineffects1a libkxmlrpcclient4 libmailtransport4 libmessagecore4 libmessagelist4 libmicroblog4 libnepomuk4 libnepomukquery4a libplasmaclock4b libprocesscore4a
                      libprocessui4a libqalculate4 libqgpgme1 libqt4-declarative libqtassistantclient4 libqtwebkit-dev libqtwebkit4 libreadline5 libsolid4 libsolidcontrol4a libsyndication4 libtaskmanager4a libthreadweaver4
                      libvirtodbc0 libweather-ion4a sgml-data virtuoso-minimal virtuoso-opensource-6.0-bin virtuoso-opensource-6.0-common

                      Is there anything above that could possibly help identify a dependence related to the unmounting issue?

                      Plus, when updating to 4.5 it removes the following packages:

                      freespacenotifier kdebase-plasma kdepimlibs-data libkfontinst4 libkonqsidebarplugin4 libkwineffects1 libplasma-applet-system-monitor4 libplasmaclock4 libprocesscore4 libprocessui4 libsolidcontrol4
                      libtaskmanager4 libweather-ion4

                      Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit


                        Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

                        Originally posted by tekkenlord
                        What can this mean?
                        My suggested experiments were to determine if there was a difference in the path to the kdm startup by a normal bootup as apposed to a recovery bootup. Apparently there is.

                        I am not familiar with the execution sequence of those two paths but apparently some "device" is mounted in a normal boot which is not unmounted during shutdown. Post the results of your experiments on the two bugzilla sites (launchpad and and let the experts sort it out.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

                          In another msg Rog131 mentioned a tool called "bootchart". It is in the repository.

                          After you install it you can start its daemon by issuing

                          sudo /etc/init.d/bootchart start

                          Then you can do a reboot. After your desktop comes back up you will find a boot tgz data file and png file in

                          Each will have a time stamp. As long as the daemon is running you will get a new set of tgz data and png files (timestamped).

                          If you compare a png file of a normal boot with a png of a recovery boot to root+network you may be able to see some difference in what is run and how long it takes.

                          When you are done experimenting you can stop the daemon or uninstall bootchart.

                          I don't know of a similar program which would log and graph the shutdown sequence, but perhaps Rog131 does.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                            Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

                            I believe the the "bootchart" was not intented to be posted on this thread?

                            Regarding the unmountin issue, I also found out that you do not need to drop to root console. Unmounting is clean even if you choose "resume normal boot", login and start KDE...

                            I have opened a report specifically for 10.04 here:


                            Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit


                              Re: Unclean unmount during shutdown/reboot

                              Originally posted by tekkenlord
                              I believe the the "bootchart" was not intended to be posted on this thread?
                              Actually it was. Bootchart could be used to find the difference between a grimp first line boot (which leads to a hanging shutdown) and a recovery "continue with normal boot" which does not.
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

