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Some post-installation bugs with resolution and bottom panel

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    Some post-installation bugs with resolution and bottom panel

    Hello guys!

    3 days ago I have installed Kubuntu 10.04, and I must say that I am impressed a lot how beautiful it is. Everuthyng is cool, except couple of things, and I am asking for your help to solve them out.

    1. I had a resolution problem, that was in not remembering the resolution I selected, and reverting back to 800x600 just after I reboot. So I have found the solution here and it works just fine after I enter my login details. But in the login screen I get this:

    As you can see I have a login box somewhere in the top left corner, as well as the background picture, as if they were tiled because of new higher resolution set. So, is there a way to fix it, so that login box would be in the center of the screen, and background would be placed correctly?

    2. Just after I log in my bottom panel looks like this:

    On this picture you can see that the panel have some weird black background in the left half of it, and normal one in the right half. And if I change it's size just a little bit, so that it cover not the whole available width, the background of the panel returns to normal.

    I would be highly appreciated for any help. Thank you!

    Re: Some post-installation bugs with resolution and bottom panel

    Seems the swapping resolutions messed with your splash...

    I'd be interested to see a part of /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/ethais/ethais.xml

    Open this file with kate or kwrite and look at lines 14-17. Somewhere there should be

    <normal file="wallpapers/background.png" scalemode="crop"/>

    If it says "tile" instead of "crop", you've found it.

    You might just try opening System Settings > Appearance > Splash Screen and select "simple", apply, then re-select "Default" and apply

    Please Read Me


      Re: Some post-installation bugs with resolution and bottom panel

      no, it says "crop". As I understand this settings apply on the screen just after I enter my password and press entre.
      But there everything looks OK, the problem is only at the screen where I enter login and password.

      I believe the problem is somewhere in kdm...

      Here's what this file have inside:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE greeter SYSTEM "greeter.dtd">
      <greeter id="theme">
      	<style font="Sans 12" window-text-color="#bfd9ff"
      	    base-color="#bfd9ff" alternate-base-color="#666666"
      	    text-color="#0b678c" disabled-text-color="#333333"
      	    frame="false" />
      	<item type="pixmap" id="background" background="true">
      		<normal file="wallpapers/background.png" scalemode="crop"/>
      		<pos x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"/>
      	<item type="pixmap" id="system-session">
      		<normal file="rectangle.png"/>
      		<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="416" height="262"/>
      	<item type="pixmap" id="branding-logo" background="true">
      		<normal file="branding.png" alpha=".4" />
      		<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="416" height="262"/>
      	<item type="pixmap" id="system-session">
          <normal alpha="0.1" file="rectangle_overlay.png"/>
          <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="416" height="262"/>
            <item type="label" id="welcome">
              <pos anchor="nw" x="20" y="20"/>
              <normal alpha="0.75" font="Sans Bold 14" color="#0b678c"/>
      	<item type="rect">
          <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="200" height="100"/>
      		<box orientation="vertical" spacing="10" homogeneous="true">
      			<item type="rect" id="user-field">
      				<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="200" height="box"/>
                <item type="pixmap">
                  <pos anchor="w" x="0" y="50%"/>
                  <normal file="user_icon.png"/>
                <item type="pixmap">
                  <pos anchor="w" x="42" y="50%"/>
                  <normal file="lineedit_normal.png"/>
                  <prelight file="lineedit_active.png"/>
                  <active file="lineedit_active.png"/>
                <item type="entry" id="user-entry">
                  <pos anchor="w" x="49" y="50%" width="140" height="20"/>
            <item type="rect" id="user-field2">
              <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="200" height="box"/>
                <item type="pixmap" button="true">
                  <pos anchor="w" x="0%" y="50%"/>
                  <normal file="lock.png"/>
                <item type="pixmap">
                  <pos anchor="w" x="42" y="50%"/>
                  <normal file="lineedit_normal.png"/>
                  <prelight file="lineedit_active.png"/>
                  <active file="lineedit_active.png"/>
                <item type="entry" id="pw-entry">
                  <pos anchor="w" x="49" y="50%" width="140" height="20"/>
      	<item type="rect" id="system-session">
          <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="416" height="262"/>
            <item type="label">
              <pos anchor="se" x="-15" y="-20"/>
              <normal font="Sans Bold 8" color="#0b678c"/>
            <item type="pixmap" id="session_button" button="true">
              <normal alpha="0.8" file="session_normal.png"/>
              <prelight file="session_normal.png"/>
              <active file="session_normal.png"/>
              <pos anchor="sw" x="22" y="-20"/>
            <item type="pixmap" id="system_button" button="true">
              <normal alpha="0.8" file="system_normal.png"/>
              <prelight file="system_normal.png"/>
              <active file="system_normal.png"/>
              <pos anchor="sw" x="50" y="-20"/>
            <item type="pixmap" id="login_button" button="true">
              <normal file="login_normal.png"/>
              <prelight file="login_active.png"/>
              <active file="login_active.png"/>
              <pos anchor="e" x="-20" y="50%"/>
      	<item type="rect" id="caps-lock-warning">
          <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="416" height="262"/>
            <item type="label" id="mesage">
              <normal color="#0b678c" font="Sans Bold 10"/>
              <pos anchor="s" x="50%" y="80%"/>
              <stock type="caps-lock-warning"/>
      	<item type="rect" id="pam-error-paceholder">
      	<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="98%" widht="615" height="200"/>
      		<item type="label" id="dummy1">
      			<normal alpha="0" color="#0b678c" font="Sans Bold 10"/>
      			<!-- </text> -->
      		<item type="label" id="pam-error">
      			<pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" expand="true"/>
      			<normal alpha="0" color="#0b678c" font="Sans Bold 10"/>
      			<!-- </text> -->


        Re: Some post-installation bugs with resolution and bottom panel

        That file looks the same as mine - I agree it's the Greeter that is messed up, but all you have in kdmrc is


        unless something changed that. I assume you've looked at the actual wallpaper to verify it's full sized?


        Should have 1920x1200.png in it and naught else.

        Did you try changing to a different greeter theme and back again?

        Please Read Me


          Re: Some post-installation bugs with resolution and bottom panel

          Originally posted by oshunluvr
          Should have 1920x1200.png in it and naught else.
          Just did it and it truly is 1920x1200, and it weights 1,7Mb. A believe it isn't wallpaper problem because of my login box is located in the top left corner, not in the middle of a screen (have a look at the first screen). Something in the system still thinks I have 800x600 screen, and tiles everything, including the login box, and a wallpaper, that actually is already 1920x1200 of a size.

          Did you try changing to a different greeter theme and back again?
          In the KDM settings (under System Settings -> Advanced -> Login manager -> Theme I only have one theme called Ethais. Maybe what you mentioned as "Greeter theme" should be changed somewhere else?

