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Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

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    Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

    Hi mates, I was using Karmic 64 bit previously and upgraded from there, no problems, but even before upgrading I was having trouble because of frequent hang ups and general slowness, I don't what was the cause so I decided to do a fresh install.
    These are my specs:
    HP 6735b
    AMD Turion X2 64 RM-70 2.00 gHz
    ATI HD3200
    2 GB RAM

    Well I did the install and even updated the install wizard with the options that appears at the first screen, everyone went fine until I rebooted, the loading splash appears (with better resolution than when I upgraded from Karmic), and then hangs with a black screen.

    Tried recovery mode, repaired broken packages, installed fglrx, and started in fail safe mode, it gets pass the loading screen but after I input my user and pass, the sytems hangs at the splash and hangs after the first icon.

    I installed lxde so I could have another environment to work with, and it works fine.

    Even after installing ATI's propietary drivers, it still no go, now that I have lxde, if i use "startx" it sends me to lxde desktop, but if i do "startkde" the following message appears:

    $DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server
    Is it because x server hasn't started yet? sorry but i'm still a noob.

    Anyways this happens independently if I use 32 or 64 bit, and even using LiveCD wether in CD or USB.

    Note: Ubuntu 10.04 works perfectly in LiveCD, so it's most likely it's something bad with Kubuntu, I've also downloaded Kubuntu several times, checked the MD5 sum etc, I've done everything in my reach. need some pro help here!!!!!
    Note": I haven't installed Ubuntu 10.04, but if the LiveCD works I have no need, I want KDE and I think I've already proved my point here.

    Ok I don't know if this helps, I have a dual boot with Win7, but the only suspicious thing that has happened while using windows is that I receive a message rather often about a probblem with my AMD processor, it goes something like this:
    Your AMD processor has stopped working properly, please consider sending additional information to HP, could that also be my problem with the general slowness both in Win and Linux?
    Why does Ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD works and quite fast?
    I've even update my BIOS, and I'm about to reinstall Win 7.

    I'll be back with more info after I reinstall 7, but seriously I need heklpl!!!!


    Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

    Ok I succesfully got in using lxde, but my /home is unmounted and can't mount it either in command or graphically, also if I log out, I get the login screen but if I choose KDE it hangs as usual, so I ran an update and everything's updated, but I've realized a new version of KDE has been released so I've just added the backport and a bunch of updates appeared, I'm downloading them as I'm writing this and I hope this solves this, if not anyone has any ideas?
    Oh and another thing, I didn't format my /home partition because I've some data there, I'm gonna back it up as soon as I can using the Ubuntu live, and try for a full install, maybe some old conf files are interfering or not, I don't have much knowledge but that's my guess.


      Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

      Well I've done everything I could, erased my HD disk completely installed kubuntu on the whole disk, and I get the same problem, I can't get past login.
      I got into command line, added the new KDE PPA, updated, upgraded, dist-upgraded, installed fglrx, and still nothing!!!!
      The only difference is that I get this message when I login after I updated:

      kstartupconfig4 does not exist or fails. The error code is 3. Check your installation.

      Sadly I'm out of ideas and even the options I find while googlin don't work, I'll have to switch to Gnome in the meantime.


        Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

        Does a 10.04 Kubuntu Live CD boot and run successfully on that computer?


          Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

          As I mentioned on the first post, it doesnt matters if its LiveCD or installed, it simply doesn't works, I have no choice but to go back to 9.10 then.


            Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

            It sounds like either some problem with KDM (since GDM seems to work) or else a hardware issue on your system (the Windows message ....).

            One way to test whether it is KDM would be to try another KDE distro and see whether it acts the same. I would recommend a sidux KDE "Lite" CD, from here:

            Download mirrors are at the bottom of the page.

            If that one boots and runs, then the problem must be with Kubuntu's KDM. If the sidux CD won't run either, then it is a KDM issue.


              Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

              your problem is most likely a permissions problem in your home directory - at least in terms of the existing install. If your /home/$username is not readable/writable by the user, it can give the kstartupconfig error.

              To fix this error you can reset ownership of your $HOME files and directories using the following command:
              sudo shown -Rv <username>.<username> /home/<username>
              Now why this is happening? I don't know but 2 clues:

              slow performance of 2 OS's running from the harddrive while a livecd runs fine points to possibly a hard drive problem

              the HP error about the cpu could possibly also be from a drive problem, but it could also point to some other hardware problem

              It would be prudent to back up all your important data right away just in case.


                Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

                Well the thing is, ike I said before, I did a fresh install using the whole HD, I already backed up my data, so I erased my previous home and of course Win 7, so there was nothing more than a freshly installed kubuntu 10.04. I'm gonna try what u suggested and feedback as soon as I can. LiveCD also hangs.

                Ubuntu 10.04 has no problemas whatsoever!!

                Oh and another curious thing:
                When I'm at the login screen, and select restart/shutdown, my screen becomes white REALLY SLOWLY, let me see how can I describe it.....
                It looks like if my screen was damaged or something, it slowly begins to fade into white, accompanied with a lot of horizontal lines. The first time it scared because I thought I've ruined my screen somehow.
                Oh and it nevers shuts down, I have to force it!!

                Thanks for your responses, I'm gonna try your suggestions


                  Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

                  This thread seems related:

                  Please Read Me


                    Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

                    Well I still haven't had time to try allyour suggestions, but what I did try is to run the LiveCD on another laptop which is identical to mine, results: Exactly the SAME!, and it didn't have any OS installed, I even did a fresh install on this laptop, and get the same errors and hang ups.

                    At least I can almost discard that my laptop is being faulty, so it seems I'll have to wait for a newer KDE release, or maybe it's related to the fact that it has an integrated ATI.

                    As soon as I can try sidux I'll post what happened, and I'll also try what calydoh said, even though my old /home is gone.


                      Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

                      As the graphics drivers, hardware detection, installer backend, kernel, and other core components are the same between Ubuntu and Kubuntu, and that the Ubuntu cd runs fine in live mode, I think perhaps you might want to try re-downloading the iso (assuming you have not already done so) and try burning at a slower speed. Your ati should not be an issue, I have the radeonhd 3200 gpu in my desktop and the open drivers work very well, even for desktop effects without any configuration. The same driver is used on the Ubuntu disk as well


                        Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

                        Ok here are some updates:
                        • I've already redownloaded Kubuntu several times, and used each one of them on a USB, all of them didn't work; they all worked on my desktop though (Clone PC)
                        • I tried Sidux Live, on an USB and it got in the system fine, no sound and wireless but that always happens on Live, and I'm generally able to solve it after installed. Didn't install sidux, but no problems with the DM after all while on Live.

                        So, my laptop model has some compatibility issues with Kubuntu.
                        It seems I'll have to wait for it to be solved, or how can I report this as a bug, I haven't been abel to use correctly the wizard that helps to report bugs on kubuntu, some help here please!?

                        Oh the only option left is the one mentioned by claydoh, about the /home thing.


                          Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

                          Well I'm about to give up, I tried the option that dibl said

                          sudo chown -Rv <username>.<username> /home/<username>

                          but it didn't work I also used this slight variation:

                          $ sudo chown -R username.username /home/username/.kde

                          that I found here:
                          and still no success.

                          Since I can't copy paste and the errors are in spanish, they go something like this in english:

                          chown: changing the propietary of </home/username/......> : Input/Output error
                          failed changing the propietary of </home/username/......> to username:username

                          they're all the same the only thing that changes is where the (.........) are.

                          So what now, please any ideas?!


                            Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

                            are you substituting your actual username for <username>?

                            sudo chown -R claydoh.claydoh /home/claydoh
                            this is what I would need to enter to change the permissions on my entire /home dir.


                              Re: Kubuntu 10.04 hangs after fresh install and even with LiveCD

                              Yes, I substitute it with my username, I just didn't put it to generalize it sorry.

                              When I just use -R i get fewer error messages, and they are only about the Input/Output error as mentioned above.

