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Double Kubuntu

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    Double Kubuntu

    Hey everyone.

    I had Kubuntu 9.10 alongside Windows Vista. Alas, I decide to install Windows 7 and Kubuntu mysteriously "disappears". So I choose to install Kubuntu 9.10 again (which I now upgraded to 10.04) for it to live alongside Windows 7. Here's the issue: the old, missing Kubuntu, reappears... meaning that I have three OS running in my computer. How do I remove the extra Kubuntu 9.10 (and recover the gigs) so I stay only with Lucid Lynx (LTS) and Win7?
    The cyber-world is a whole different world indeed.

    Re: Double Kubuntu

    More information needed.

    Some helpful tips for getting help excerpted from source thread referenced below.

    Please include the following information in your posts:

    * If Kubuntu is installed, is it installed 'inside' of Windows (Wubi installation).

    Information about your PC:

    * Type (Desktop or laptop)
    * HDs (number of and type internal - number of and type external)

    This information, when provided, saves everyone a lot of time, and possibly wasted effort, when attempting to assist you with your question/inquiry/problem.


    Here's some other information that might be useful:

    Output of fdisk:
    sudo fdisk -l
    If you want this information saved to a text file and then want to open it in a text editor:
    sudo fdisk -l > ~/fdisk-l.txt
    Then, press <Alt+F2> to bring up krunner and type (without the leading and trailing quotes):
    'kate ~/fdisk-l.txt'

    File System Table:
    cat /etc/fstab
    will give you a quick view of your fstab. To view this in the editor (kate):
    cp /etc/fstab ~/fstab.txt
    Then, press <Alt+F2> and enter 'kate ~/fdisk-l.txt' (again, sans quotes).

    Post the contents of the two files here and we'll be able to at least see how many partitions you have and have a decent idea of where at least one of your Kubuntu installations lives.


      Re: Double Kubuntu

      The reason Kubuntu "disappeared" was because, unlike Linux, Windows doesn't recognise other operating systems when it's installed. It just bullodozers over everything in the Master Boot Record and puts itself there. You could have got Kubuntu back again without reinstalling it ... but that's not what you're asking!

      Here's what I'd do to remove the extra Kubuntu:

      1: In your 10.4 session, open an konsole window and type
      d -h
      Note down the "/dev" names of the partition(s) you want to keep. They be something like

      /dev/sda5 ... /
      /dev/sda6 ... /home

      2: Boot from your Kubuntu disc and choose "Try Kubuntu". When it's running ...

      3: Open a konsole window and install the partition editor gparted:
      sudo apt-get install gparted
      4: Run it with the command
      sudo gparted
      You'll see all your partitions displayed. The Windows one should be obvious (it'll be NTFS or FAT32) and you have a note of the other one(s) you want to keep from Step 1.

      5: Delete the partition(s) you don't want and resize the remaining one(s) to take up the free space.
      CAUTION: Carefully review you've you got the right partition(s) before pressing Apply as THIS STEP WILL NUKE DATA!

      6: Once that's finished, exit and boot back into 10.4. You'll notice you still have a menu item for 9.10. Get rid of that by rebuilding the Grub menu from konsole window with the command
      sudo update-grub
      7: You're done!

      An alternative to booting the install disc and downloading gparted is to download SysRescueCD (from and boot that. Type wizard to go into a graphical environment when it's booted and you'll find a partition editor on the menu bar.


        Re: Double Kubuntu

        Originally posted by TuxLove
        1: In your 10.4 session, open an konsole window and type
        d -h
        Note down the "/dev" names of the partition(s) you want to keep. They be something like

        /dev/sda5 ... /
        /dev/sda6 ... /home
        "d -h"? I'm unfamiliar with this command and couldn't get (exactly) the output shown. Is this perhaps an alias on your system?


          Re: Double Kubuntu

          The proper command is:
          df [OPTION]... [FILE]...
          man df
          This manual page documents the GNU version of df. df displays the
          amount of disk space available on the file system containing each file
          name argument. If no file name is given, the space available on all
          currently mounted file systems is shown. Disk space is shown in 1K
          blocks by default, unless the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is
          set, in which case 512-byte blocks are used.

          If an argument is the absolute file name of a disk device node contain‐
          ing a mounted file system, df shows the space available on that file
          system rather than on the file system containing the device node (which
          is always the root file system). This version of df cannot show the
          space available on unmounted file systems, because on most kinds of
          systems doing so requires very nonportable intimate knowledge of file
          system structures.
          Where OPTION -h is:
          -h, --human-readable
          print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G)
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Double Kubuntu

            D-oh! I did, of course, mean

            df -h
            Thanks for putting me right, Snowhog!!

