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blinking screen on boot into live cd

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    blinking screen on boot into live cd

    i'm currently running mint linux 8 and want to give KDE a try so I downloaded Kubuntu 10.04 64 bit edition, burned the iso to cd in brasero, and attempted to boot into the live cd. The screen briefly turns on about every 2 seconds and then goes black again, to the point where you can see the boot process working but you can't actually do anything. At first I thought (hoped?) that it was a faulty cd or brasero messed up, so I downloaded k3b and burned the iso file to another cd and had k3b verify the cd after burning and everything. After putting that cd in, the exact same thing occurred. any ideas? my system is a desktop with ati radeon 4800 graphics, core 2 duo e8400, and 4 gigs of ram. thanks in advance.

    Re: blinking screen on boot into live cd

    sorry it has an ati radeon 4850 graphics card...

