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toshiba NB205: trouble booting

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    toshiba NB205: trouble booting

    Hi, this is my first post, so forgive me if I don't get the etiquette right. I just bought this machine a week ago & it took me all of 5 minutes to realize that WIN7 is perhaps the biggest POS that Microsoft has ever perpetrated on the computing public. So I went out and grabbed Kubuntu & slapped it in. I gotta say I love it, but I'm having one little problem. After I installed to the hard drive, sometimes it will take ages to boot! Sometimes it starts right up and other times it can take up to 10 minutes. I've read the posts about the HD going to sleep, but it doesn't seem to respond to tapping the touchpad or ketboard. I don't know if this is normal, but the GRUB menu never shows up either, even when it boots fine. My question is, am I looking at a problem with the GRUB bootloader or possibly something to do with the HD being detected? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

    Did you leave M$ on the HD - install 10.04 in it's own partition(s) - or did you wipe out M$?

    How did you prepare the HD for installation of 10.04?

    What is the make up of your rig (yes, we could look it up on the 'net, but ...), specifically, what video card does it have?

    What, if any, customization have you done after installation?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

      The Tosh 205 is a great little netbook. The hard drive is also made by Toshiba and includes proprietary firmware to "fall asleep" very frequently. I assume their Windows driver has an ability to give it a poke to keep it awake while the user is doing something, but Linux does not know anything about that. While the computer is booting, and sometimes during upgrades, you will have to tickle the touchpad, or the spacebar, to keep it awake. Once KDE is up and running, mine stays alive. (It is KDE 4 on sidux).

      Personally, I'm going to put a SSD in mine, and that should be the end of "falling asleep" while I'm trying to use it.


        Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

        Originally posted by dibl
        ..and that should be the end of "falling asleep" while I'm trying to use it.
        But what about the HD?
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

          Originally posted by Snowhog

          But what about the HD?
          Huhhhhhhhh -- what? Is it morning? Where are we?


            Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

            I totally wiped out the M$ partitions as well as the system & restore partitions. It was kind of a strange setup they had. Anyway, I deleted everything with fdisk & manually partitioned w/ qtparted from a slax live usb. Then I installed Kubuntu from another USB. So any interference is not coming from Windows. I haven't done anything else to modify the system at all.


              Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

              Because it's the way I think -- When you installed Kubuntu from the "other" USB stick, did you still have the Slax USB stick in another slot?
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

                Nope, just the Kubuntu stick, which is actually a SD card. I removed all usb devices to be sure it wasn't being caused by them & still no luck.


                  Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

                  @jester, the power-saving firmware is in the hard drive -- it is embedded in the electronics. There's nothing further that you can do about it. It is designed for maximum battery life, and so when it does not detect user action on the touchpad or keyboard for a short while, it shuts down the hard drive.

                  If you run upgrades in the console, you can watch the cursor and it will stop when the hard drive stops running -- it looks like a "freeze". But, if you hit the spacebar, it will resume whatever it was doing.


                    Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

                    Success!! (SO FAR) I looked in the bios settings and changed the SATA mode settings from AHCI to compatibility. What the hell does AHCI stand for anyway? A Horribly Complicated Interface?? A Host of Compatibility Issues?? AHoles Causing Interference maybe Anyway, Got it to boot correctly everytime. again SO FAR. Thanks all!


                      Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

                      Still no GRUB menu though..... HMMMMM.


                        Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

                        Yep -- good old Advanced Host Controller Interface.

                        Best bet is to set the SATA mode to "Legacy IDE" for installation, then after the OS is installed, change it back to AHCI for best performance. It seems the OS is able to take advantage of the protocol, but the installer (Ubiquity) does not know anything about it.


                          Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

                          Apparently, the OS doesn't know what to do with it either, because it has problems at boot time. Do you know anyway to fix it so it can deal with AHCI better?


                            Re: toshiba NB205: trouble booting

                            I just took a look at mine, to make sure I was remembering correctly.

                            BIOS version is 1.90 -- if yours is earlier, you'll need to flash it (I can probably reverse-engineer how to do that with no Windows and no optical drive, if needed).

                            SATA Controller Mode is AHCI.

                            What kinds of problems is it having at boot?

                            I am skeptical that the problem would be different for Kubuntu than for sidux, which is what is installed on mine. But if you can't find any other cause for it .....

