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xorg.conf missing / not updated

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    xorg.conf missing / not updated

    first sorry about my english - but it's not my native language...

    i'm used to find /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but with the new 10.04 kubuntu the file is missing.

    normally it should not be a problem, as the new servers can build ther settings while starting (as far as i understand).


    i'm running a dual-screen sytem (ati radeon 3450 / rv620) with 1600x1200 on dvi and 1920x1080 on vga.
    after starting up, i get a cloned 1600x1200 setup. i tried to reconfigure and had a first success. everything was fine. until i restarted the system and was back at 1600x1200 clone mode.

    as i installed ubuntu (the 'original' with gnome) on another partition, i wanted to manually merge the entries in xorg.confg but oooops, no xorg.conf on kubuntu (ubuntu had one built and my dualscreen runs fine).

    thus i copied the ubuntu one to the kubuntu partition but again just 1600x1200 cloned!!!

    inserting a but in to the xorg.conf, the system boots into console-mode. thus the xorg.conf seems to be validated and checked, but after sucessfull validating, the settings are ignored!!
    at least no modification is written back to the xorg.conf, even after reconfiguring my dual-screen setup.

    googling around didn't help as nobody seems to have the same problem (yet) with kubuntu 10.04. searching this forum does not help either. it must be a kubuntu problem, as other distros with kde do have the xorg.conf and the xserver cares about what is specified in it.

    i really don't want to have to reconfigure the display whenever i start kubuntu.
    i was used to kde but switched over to gnome when 4.0 was introduced in kubuntu as i was not happy with the changes and the missing tools. but meanwhile kde 4.4 seems to be almost as stable as the old 3.x was. i'd like to give it a try again, but not with this strange 'brainless' behaviour.

    thanks for any hint or help

    Re: xorg.conf missing / not updated

    Your English is fine (better than a lot of native English speakers ).

    Welcome to KFN. Do some searching here, please. You will find many posts relevant to your problem. There are solutions. I don't have a dual-screen setup, nor do I have an ATI GPU. But others do. If you don't find a solution on your own, keep watch here. You are certainly going to get suggestions if not an out-right solution from our members.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: xorg.conf missing / not updated

      maybe i'm a was a little hasty in writing, maybe i'll get a good idea how to specifiy my search with a lot of more thinking, but searching for 'xorg.conf' just hits about every second topic here, as the search seeks to delimit at the point, thus searching for 'xorg' or 'conf'.

      with radon, ati, amd i got quite some interessting post, but none with my problem. as it's now 23.30 here it's time to go to listen what my pillow has to tell me, maybe it will tell me HOW to ask here tomorrow...


        Re: xorg.conf missing / not updated

        Click the Search button without putting in anything to search. Then click on Advanced Search. On that screen, scroll down and uncheck Check all. Then scroll up and check the following:

        10.04 Lucid Lynx (LTS)
        Hardware Support
        Software Support
        Network Support
        Pre-Release Testing

        Then type in a search term. This will limit the search to the 10.04 Lucid Lynx main board and sub-boards.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: xorg.conf missing / not updated

          i just found one entry fitting my problem. but adding a
          xrandr --output DVI-0 --auto --left-of --output VGA-0
          didn't change anything
          (my screens are named 'DVI-0' and 'VGA-0')

          the built-in help is just garbage !!

          >Richard Johnson
          >Revision 1.01.00 (2007-07-29)
          >is module allows you to change the various monitor and display settings.
          >Changes in this module are stored in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and are the main settings that control the refresh >rate, resolution, color, power saving, and driver configuration. This module is separated into four sections:

          when i read it in german i just didn't believe my eyes. thus i switched to english system-language and found the same version (cited above) thus i can't blame the translator.

          all hints i found in google or in this forum tell me to fiddle arround with xorg.conf (except the above mentionned entry here) but kubuntu just ignores this file!!

          ubuntu is ok. tomorrow (it's now really time to listen to my pillow!!) i'll have a look at the live-cds i have from xubuntu (currently donwnloading 10.04 too), suse, fedora and centos to check wether they accept modifications in xorg.conf.


            Re: xorg.conf missing / not updated

            You might start in your log file - /var/log/Xorg.0.log

            Then post any relevant parts of it.

            if xorg.conf isn't missing - it's no longer needed y many users so is no longer auto-generated.

            To generate a new one the command is:

            sudo Xorg -configure

            Please Read Me


              Re: xorg.conf missing / not updated

              floyd@floydku:~$ sudo Xorg -configure
              [sudo] password for floyd:

              Fatal server error:
              Server is already active for display 0
              If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
              and start again.

              Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
              for help.

              ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log
              this is what I get so no help can't believe everyone else isn't having this problem.


                Re: xorg.conf missing / not updated

                Sorry - I forget to start at the beginning. This command works only when xorg is NOT running.

                Go to text log in screen ALT-F1, log in as your user, type sudo service kdm stop, then type the above command, then sudo service kdm start

                Please Read Me


                  Re: xorg.conf missing / not updated

                  The answer to your problems does lie in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.

                  You just have to get the right things into it.

                  If it's not right, X will get confused, and you won't get the result you want. It might fall back to something that at least works, and spit the bad bits into WW and EE lines in /var/log/Xorg.0.log

                  There are many possible options in xorg.conf, so you'll have to focus on exactly how you want it configured, and search for that solution. Also, there are many synonyms for this type of setup - dual head, multiple x, x sessions, twinview, xinerama, multiple monitors, so your answer may be masked. The solutions vary between nvidia and ATI cards.

                  The structure and layout and syntax of xorg.conf has not changed since 2004, so solutions from any linux distro and from any version will work. You dont need a specific solution for Kubuntu or Lucid. This makes your search easier. KDE 4 cant yet do two seperate desktop sessions, but you likely want a single wide desktop, so that wont be a problem.

                  I can't give you an ATI solution, as I use nvidia, my setup is here. Some elements might apply. Take a careful look at the ServerLayout section of your xorg.conf

