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strange events with cdrom / optical drive

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    strange events with cdrom / optical drive

    Think this might be permissions related.
    Tried to play a cd and got told the system couldn't mount it!
    Tried to open it in dolphin and got told I do not have read permissions on that volume (and YES I have all the correct groups in my user account.
    Did cat /etc/fstab in terminal and got this:

    UUID=21d2d5ee-52c7-4166-960c-6b4ef6b12aac none swap sw 0 0
    /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 auto user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0

    so tried sudo mount:
    sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0
    and got
    mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist
    then tried:
    sudo mount /media/cdrom0
    mount: special device /dev/hda does not exist

    What's going on here?

    I'm only here so often because I'm too blinking lazy to learn shell!

    Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

    Humm mine looks a bit different

    /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
    I would look in /dev for your /dev/hda and see if it's thare or not.

    and then try changing the fstab entry to match this part of mine " udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0"

    and reboot and try agin.

    allso run
    and see if you have a section like this

    description: DVD writer
    product: DVD_RW ND-3500AG
    vendor: _NEC
    physical id: 0.0.0
    bus info: scsi@0:0.0.0
    logical name: /dev/cdrom
    logical name: /dev/cdrw
    logical name: /dev/dvd
    logical name: /dev/dvdrw
    logical name: /dev/scd0
    logical name: /dev/sr0
    version: 2.98
    serial: [_NEC DVD_RW ND-3500AG2.9804082500
    capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r
    configuration: ansiversion=5 status=nodisc
    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

      HAL is a strange fellow. I don't have my CD/DVD drive identified in fstab at all - I let HAL control things. The drive works correctly when a disc is inserted.

      Try commenting the fstab entry for your CD/DVD drive and reboot. Then see how it responds when you insert a disc.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

        Hi Vinny and Snowhog,
        Thanks for your replies.
        I looked in /dev and there is no /dev/hda there.

        Did sudo lshw and the output contained this section:

        description: DVD-RAM writer
        product: DVD-RW DVR-116
        vendor: PIONEER
        physical id: 0.0.0
        bus info: scsi@0:0.0.0
        logical name: /dev/cdrom2
        logical name: /dev/cdrw2
        logical name: /dev/dvd2
        logical name: /dev/dvdrw2
        logical name: /dev/scd0
        logical name: /dev/sr0
        version: 1.09
        capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r dvd-ram
        configuration: ansiversion=5 status=nodisc

        looked in fstab and saw this:
        # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
        # -- This file has been automaticly generated by ntfs-config --
        # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>

        proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
        # Entry for /dev/sda1 :
        UUID=948fb0d0-7875-4137-8365-aff054b7c890 / ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 1
        # Entry for /dev/sda5 :
        UUID=21d2d5ee-52c7-4166-960c-6b4ef6b12aac none swap sw 0 0
        /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 auto user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0

        Just want to confirm with you, should I change the fstab entry to make it exactly the same as yours?


        When you say I should comment the fstab entry do you mean I should put a '#' sign in front of the cdrom bit? but shouldn't it say 'Entry for....' etc etc
        And is this the correct place for it? And should I put a space after it?

        proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
        # Entry for /dev/sda1 :
        UUID=948fb0d0-7875-4137-8365-aff054b7c890 / ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 1
        # Entry for /dev/sda5 :
        UUID=21d2d5ee-52c7-4166-960c-6b4ef6b12aac none swap sw 0 0
        # /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 auto user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0


        I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!


          Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

          Originally posted by bernieszu
          # /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 auto user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

            I commented it as suggested then shut down and rebooted but it made no difference. Will try Vinny's suggested change to fstab next and see what happens....nope that didn't do anything either.
            So. Looks like the folder dev/hda got nuked somehow?
            Can I replace it?
            There are lots of CD and DVD related files in dev which are not in any folder - see the pic - should I just remove the /hda bit from the fstab file and point directly at them or is that a really stupid idea?

            Probably completely unrelated, but I've noticed for the last few days that when I plug in anything nautilus opens up!!!! I don't recall ever installing it - I didn't even know what it was the first time I saw it and I don't want it or like it (no lovely 'split' function like dolphin has) - could whatever put it on my system have also messed up my cd/dvd mounting?
            Attached Files
            I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!


              Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

              Except for the file names ending in ....2, it looks a lot like mine.

              The transition from /dev/hdx to /dev/sdx device nomenclature was ongoing when I first booted Kubuntu some 5 years ago -- it's getting to be ancient history at this point. I can't imagine why a system running a recent Linux OS would have any use for a /dev/hda device name.

              For hard disk drives, using the UUIDs or labels, in the /etc/fstab table partition entries, is highly recommended -- UUIDs are used in the default installation. This situation is due to the advent of USB storage devices, which also get a /dev/sdx nomenclature when they "appear" in the system (due to being plugged in).

              For optical drives, they are not even listed in /etc/fstab in my new Meerkat system. In recent times (i.e. last year) a typical /etc/fstab entry in a *buntu or debian system would look like this:

              /dev/cdrom  /media/cdrom  udf,iso9660   noauto,ro,users     0   0
              I presume such an entry in my Meerkat system would cause no harm, but clearly (since my optical drive works just fine) it is not required.

              As for launching nautilus, if you'd rather have Dolphin offered by the device notifier, then Alt-F2 "kdesudo systemsettings" and open Hardware > Device Actions. (This is KDE 4.5.2 ... it could be a bit different on the earlier KDE 4 versions, but there's a utility to set the action when a "Storage accesss, storage device, storage volume" notification occurs, and you want to set that to Dolphin in lieu of nautilus.).

              Hope this helps.


                Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

                Thanks Snowhog,

                That sounds like sound advice. but how do I find out the uuid for that drive?

                Then again, I've been googling around, and I've seen that a lot of problems can arise over time if you upgrade online repeatedly. I'm starting to think that may be the case with my system. I've upgraded online for every release since either edge or feisty (can't remember which I started out with). Lot's of strange niggly things going on now, really ever since my upgrade to Lucid. So I think I should bite the bullet, backup my files and do a clean install. I'm downloading the .iso for both Lucid and Maverick as I write and now have only one question. Would it be better to stick with Lucid for now, until all the Maverick issues are sorted out? Or should I go straight to Maverick, since that's going to be a better long term option. Maverick seems to have some wireless issues, but that's not a concern to me since I am running a wired connection. What do you think?


                PS - my windoze laptop will be glad to get pulled out from the back of the cupboard where it's been languishing. Need it to burn the image to CD since I can't mount my burner on this one
                I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!


                  Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

                  You can learn the UUID of every connected storage partition (hard disks, USB sticks, SD cards, etc.) with

                  sudo blkid
                  But optical drives don't have a UUID.

                  When I did a fresh installation of Meerkat last weekend with a newly-made Alternate Install CD, I discovered that most of the updates that I had seen since the 10.10 official release apparently are in the new CD ISO images (there weren't many updates needed after I installed). So, I would recommend that you first install Meerkat, and give it a try. If you can't discover any problems with your normal usage, then you'll have your answer.


                    Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

                    Thanks Dibl,

                    Will try it out this weekend. If it doesn't work out I can always revert to the lucid CD install. And apologies for calling you Snowhog in my last post!
                    I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!


                      Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

                      Originally posted by bernieszu

                      And apologies for calling you Snowhog in my last post!
                      You should indeed apologize -- that was a devastating smear of my good name and reputation; the day is pretty well ruined now ...


                        Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

                        Originally posted by dibl
                        You should indeed apologize -- that was a devastating smear of my good name and reputation; the day is pretty well ruined now ...

                        Funny guy. I guess I'll have to re-evaluate your Phylum classification, and think hard as to whether you really are more akin to a tapeworm.
                        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                          Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive


                            Re: strange events with cdrom / optical drive

                            In my defence, I would have to say that dibes prolificus and nives suillis are easily confused when encountered by the Operatissystematia neophyte, since they share two unusual characteristics - extreme generosity and boundless patience.

                            I love Linux because it has so many devious ways to remind me of my own stupidity!
                            Just realised after downloading the .iso images that it is quite possible I will not be able to install from CD. Given that the issue which is driving me to reinstall is non-mountability of the CD, you might reasonably have assumed I'd have thought of it much earlier. Sigh! So I'm off now to investigate how to create a bootable usb from which to install, in case the CD doesn't work.

                            Belt and braces, guys.

                            I&#39;m only here so often because I&#39;m too blinking lazy to learn shell!

