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ATi Advice from me

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    ATi Advice from me

    I am running fglrx over open source b/c the Lucid kernel does not support some of the display power features for ATi cards. On battery, my eee 1201T with mobile radeon 3200 uses more power with open source than fglrx.

    Not sure of the accuracy of this but I have seen it noted that the driver is capable, but the kernel is not; however, it will be in Meerekat.

    At any rate, there are complaints that fglrx uses more CPU, but I found that to be true only if the catalyst control center defaults are used.

    Under PowerPlay

    move the slider for AC power to Maximum Battery
    Under 3D
    adaptive anti-aliasing to performance (not quality)
    mip-map detail move closer to performance (not quality)

    This is somewhat of a mix of qualitative and quantitative observation (meaning I have no numbers, but there is a visual reference to an unmarked graph):

    CPU usage seems notably lower on my CPU indicator on my desktop, leaving more for applications.
