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Netbook Edition - Projector support for Dell Vostro A90 / Dell Mini 9

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    Netbook Edition - Projector support for Dell Vostro A90 / Dell Mini 9

    I'm currently running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 on my Dell Vostro A90 (essentially a Dell Mini 9). Everything's fine with the current installation (except that I've run out of / disk space and can no longer apply any updates). I prefer Kubuntu, which is what I run on my desktop (and my old laptop), and with the new Kubuntu Netbook Edition release I'm excited to make a change on my netbook. But...

    I have to give a presentation next week and I may have to project from my netbook. I tested projection with my current Ubuntu install and everything works. But, if I were to make a change to KNE now, I would not be able to test projection before the presentation and, even if I could, there wouldn't necessarily be a whole lot I could do in the event that it doesn't work.

    So, I'm calling upon the collective. Can anyone speak to whether external monitor projection "just works" with KNE 10.4 using a Dell Vostro A90 / Dell Mini 9?

    [ And, yes, I could wait until I returned from my trip, but I have little fear of the upgrade (I'll get the bugs worked out) so long as I am reasonably sure that the projection component is in place (for which there could be no solution if there is some kind of hardware compatibility issue). ]

    Re: Netbook Edition - Projector support for Dell Vostro A90 / Dell Mini 9

    Not to be flippant, but "A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush." Meaning of course, you have a working system, and you need it for a critical event. Stick with what you know works until the event is over. Then you have the time to 'do the deed' and upgrade and, as you say, work out any bugs that may result.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

