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Trouble to Label a SD card on mobile phone

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    Trouble to Label a SD card on mobile phone

    I have this problem with labeling my mobile phones SD card. The name changed for a unknown reason to V??WuYݣrŋ

    $ ls /media
    floppy floppy0 WD USB 2 V??WuYݣrŋ
    I tried to change it with KDEpartition manager (tried Gparted too) but it says that "File system doesn't support labels" (my translation). As pic below show it's a FAT32 and I have tried to use mtools following this guide without any success.

    the device
     Enhet Start   Början    Slut   Block  Id System
    /dev/sdb1  *      3    62299   1931199+  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
    Partition 1 slutar inte på cylindergräns. ("Partition 1 does not stop at cylinder border" - my translation)
    Could the SD card be corrupted ? Should I format the device? It wouldn't be to much trouble but I'm curious on how to fix this, and know what happend.
    It still work to copy/move files to, just slightly annoying name
    Any help appreciated


    Edit; not sure if this was in the correct forum category, thought of it as a hardware issue .. but maybe more of a software issue :S
    Attached Files
    ASUS M4A87TD | AMD Ph II x6 | 12 GB ram | MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti (448 Cuda cores)
    Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.9.x (x86_64) - Debian "Squeeze" KDE 4.(5x) (x86_64)
    Acer TimelineX 4820 TG | intel i3 | 4 GB ram| ATI Radeon HD 5600
    Kubuntu 12.10 KDE 4.10 (x86_64) - OpenSUSE 12.3 KDE 4.10 (x86_64)
    - Officially free from windoze since 11 dec 2009
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Support KFN <<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Re: Trouble to Label a SD card on mobile phone

    I would start by moving all the files off, put it in the phone, reformat it in the phone, and then look at it again.

    You could try reformatting it on your computer too.

    Please Read Me

