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CDROM Issues

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    CDROM Issues

    I've been having some issues regarding my CDROM. I have a CD-rw drive, and a DVD/CD-rw drive installed. My issue is that I'll put a CD into either one, and most of the time nothing will happen. No options like when I plug in my Ipod, or USB, etc. No icon, it just doesn't seem to be mounted. I look in /media/, and nothing is there. Now, sometimes if I reboot my entire computer, and log back in, it will work. But say it's a CD with a bunch of Pictures/videos on it, and I open it up with Dolphin and just minimize it to work on it later, I come back say half an hour to it, and the Dolphin browser with everything on the CD is still there, but I can't access what's on the disk. The disk just magically disappears, it's not mounted anymore, nothing. If I then take it out, then put it back in, back to square one. Nothing happens, and I would have to reboot my computer again and hope for the best. As you can see, this is very annoying, and any suggestions as to what I can do to fix this, I would be greatly appreciative.

    Some background info, I recently installed Ubuntu 10.4 LTS 64 bit, and a few days later I installed Kubuntu through the package manager in gnome, installed the kubuntu-desktop, etc. Now I can't say for sure if I could mount CD's in Gnome before I installed Kubuntu, but I did install Ubuntu through the Live CD no problem, so it had worked then. I also never had this problem with I was using I believe it was 9.10, the release before 10.4.

    Re: CDROM Issues

    I have very much the same issue. I noticed this after doing a fresh install of kubuntu 386 via live cd. I have had problems with cds with dvds and in both of my drives. If i try to play a dvd from fresh start up right away i can play it. Sometimes it will play it indefinitely but other times my media player will lock up. This happens on Mplayer, Kaffeine, and VLC alike. I can then hit ctrl+alt+esc and shut the media player I'm using down. Then my computer will not even recognize the media i have in the drive until i restart. Sometimes i have to restart several times. Also, if i start up my computer and dont use the drive right away i can no longer access the drive. Another thing i noticed is after i can no longer use my optical drive i cant use K3b to burn cd/dvds. I get an error saying "No optical drive found. K3b did not find any optical device in your system. Solution: Make sure HAL daemon is running, it is used by K3b for finding devices." This leads me to believe that it has something to do with HAL and the fact that the Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't use it anymore. Maybe some config file needs tweeking? HAL does still seem to be running as i type "ps -e | grep hal" in terminal I get the fallowing.
    1576 ? 00:00:00 hald
    1577 ? 00:00:00 hald-runner
    1600 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-inpu
    1601 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-rfki
    1620 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
    1621 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
    1622 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
    1623 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
    1624 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
    1627 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
    1628 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
    1638 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-stor
    1640 ? 00:00:00 hald-addon-acpi

    Also, another strange thing is that if i start up my computer and dont log in right away for whatever reason and then log in my device notifier shows the same drive twice. Maybe just a bug so I don't know if this is related or not but hopefully somebody can help.


      Re: CDROM Issues

      It seems I am not the only one.

      A little update: I was so fed up with it, I decided to burn a copy of Kubuntu 10.4 64 bit, and install just that, and forget about GNOME. To my surprise, it had worked. It seemed everything I put in the drive got recognized, I thought I was in the clear. Until tonight. It was late at night, tried putting in a data CD, one of the same CD's I've been experimenting with, and once again. It did not load. Very same issues.

      Some additional commands/info I've tried:

      matt@LinuxMonster:~$ ls -l /dev/cdrom
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2010-05-09 01:57 /dev/cdrom -> sr0
      matt@LinuxMonster:~$ ls -l /dev/cdrom1
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2010-05-09 01:39 /dev/cdrom1 -> sr1
      matt@LinuxMonster:~$ ls -l /dev/cdrw
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2010-05-09 01:57 /dev/cdrw -> sr0
      matt@LinuxMonster:~$ ls -l /dev/cdrw1
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2010-05-09 01:39 /dev/cdrw1 -> sr1


        Re: CDROM Issues

        I has to be something with kde or the kubuntu-desktop. All i have installed is kubuntu on this computer from fresh install with a cd made from the kubuntu iso.

