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No iPod touch 8G support?!

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    No iPod touch 8G support?!

    I tried installing rhythmbox, too, but to no avail--it doesn't show up anywhere.

    Note that the iPod has a colon and right parenthesis in its name (the smiley face)--could this be causing the trouble? I thought Ubuntu 10.04 was supposed to be built with iPod touch/iPhone support, so it's quite frustrating that it isn't working for me in Kubuntu.

    OS 3.1.2 or 3.1.3

    Re: No iPod touch 8G support?!

    I'm getting the same thing. I installed Rhythmbox, too, and got nothing to indicate my iPod Touch was recognized as a device--however, when I opened the Rhythmbox Preferences dialog and clicked on "Browse" next to the "Library Location" entry (under the Music tab), the iPod Touch showed up as an iPod Touch and it allowed me to browse folders in it. But I don't even get a "Devices" category in Rhythmbox proper.

    Any help is appreciated!


      Re: No iPod touch 8G support?!

      I think mine is working at home.. I'll ask my wife (it's hers) and check to see if its still up.

      There is a lib for it..
      which I am pretty sure i have (thought it came with the install. I'm still a newbie here, but maybe checking for that could help... good luck

      "Life would be alot more fun if it had save points..."


        Re: No iPod touch 8G support?!

        Thanks for any insight you can give. I wonder if I need to mount the ipod in a command line first or something? I saw the vids for plug and play in ubuntu, but kubuntu doesn't use the same file manager.


          Re: No iPod touch 8G support?!

          I wish I knew more. I only recalled reading about the libimobiledevice being the needed component (k)ubuntu's compatibility with iPod -touch -phone etc... past that, my knowledge stops I'm sure someone will chime in with better knowledge
          "Life would be alot more fun if it had save points..."


            [SOLVED]Re: No iPod touch 8G support?!

            Okay, I got my touch working through iFuse.

            Install libimobiledevice
            Install iFuse
            Create a mount directory
            Change ownership to $USER:fuse (make sure your username is in the "fuse" group)
            use iFuse to mount the ipod at the command line
            ifuse /$your/$mountpoint
            To load songs, I used GTKpod. When you've got your songs loaded, right-click your ipod's name and choose "Eject ipod." Then umount the ipod at the command line
            umount /$your/$mountpoint
            Hope this helps someone!


