The time came for me to make some real changes on my system:
- switch from Gnome to KDE,
- redesign my partition scheme to fit my needs after a long time
- why not try out to install Lucid on the Macbook Pro 5,1
So did I: resized the linux partitions (and kept a 20GB OSX partition as well) and re-installed Kubuntu Karmic.
It was a bad move. Although I could boot the Live 9.10 CD and install it, I 've got trapped facing serious problems with GRUB(2) and couldn't boot into linux at all. rEFIt kept "saying" that partition tables (in GPT and MBR) were synced but GTUB --even after its re-installation(s) in the respective ubuntu root partition-- would not care to launch linux.
Anyhow, I've tried a lot of things the whole day yesterday. It was time to go for a complete re-installation.
(...I guess you do have a BackUp, don't you?)
2. (re-)install OS-X
( still have tha install DVD around, don't you? Well, I did not and asked for HeLp!)
3. resize OS-X partition
4. install refit 14.0 0.14
5. boot kubuntu Lucid Lynx Beta2 with "nosplash nouveau.noaccel=1 vga=711"
6. install kubuntu 10.04 Beta2
* in the very last step just before the actual partitioning, under "Advanced", Kubuntu decided _not_ to show in which specific partition it will install GRUB, just sda (no other option). I just accepted it!
* install nvidia binary and other stuff
EDIT: "* also, I 've set in "/etc/default/grub": "GRUB_GFXMODE=1440x900": I might have changed that after the first _unsuccessful_ attempt to boot.
-- Heart beating (almost) like a hammer... will it boot, or will it not? will it boot or will it... --
7. Using "nosplash vga=711" it boots!
EDIT: --> changing the /etc/default/grub (instruction about GFX above), applying changes by executing "sudo grub-mkcfg -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
8. reaches the shell, not X :-(
9. "startx" launched KDE fine :-)
10. follow the wiki(s) for touchpad, backlight(s), and all the whistles and the bells will work. Some keywords: mactel support (using karmic packages), pommed, pulseaudio, Alex' patch for alsa.
So in the end of the day I experience:
* X does not auto-start (!?)
* lots of random crashes of various apps
* automount does not work (this might be a KDE bug, not sure or a HAL(2010) complex-thing ;-).
Thought this might be of interest. Well, maybe there is also someone that could explain the (missing auto-)mount-issue.
- switch from Gnome to KDE,
- redesign my partition scheme to fit my needs after a long time
- why not try out to install Lucid on the Macbook Pro 5,1
So did I: resized the linux partitions (and kept a 20GB OSX partition as well) and re-installed Kubuntu Karmic.
It was a bad move. Although I could boot the Live 9.10 CD and install it, I 've got trapped facing serious problems with GRUB(2) and couldn't boot into linux at all. rEFIt kept "saying" that partition tables (in GPT and MBR) were synced but GTUB --even after its re-installation(s) in the respective ubuntu root partition-- would not care to launch linux.
Anyhow, I've tried a lot of things the whole day yesterday. It was time to go for a complete re-installation.
(...I guess you do have a BackUp, don't you?)
2. (re-)install OS-X
( still have tha install DVD around, don't you? Well, I did not and asked for HeLp!)
3. resize OS-X partition
4. install refit 14.0 0.14
5. boot kubuntu Lucid Lynx Beta2 with "nosplash nouveau.noaccel=1 vga=711"
6. install kubuntu 10.04 Beta2
* in the very last step just before the actual partitioning, under "Advanced", Kubuntu decided _not_ to show in which specific partition it will install GRUB, just sda (no other option). I just accepted it!
* install nvidia binary and other stuff
EDIT: "* also, I 've set in "/etc/default/grub": "GRUB_GFXMODE=1440x900": I might have changed that after the first _unsuccessful_ attempt to boot.
-- Heart beating (almost) like a hammer... will it boot, or will it not? will it boot or will it... --
7. Using "nosplash vga=711" it boots!
EDIT: --> changing the /etc/default/grub (instruction about GFX above), applying changes by executing "sudo grub-mkcfg -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
8. reaches the shell, not X :-(
9. "startx" launched KDE fine :-)
10. follow the wiki(s) for touchpad, backlight(s), and all the whistles and the bells will work. Some keywords: mactel support (using karmic packages), pommed, pulseaudio, Alex' patch for alsa.
So in the end of the day I experience:
* X does not auto-start (!?)
* lots of random crashes of various apps
* automount does not work (this might be a KDE bug, not sure or a HAL(2010) complex-thing ;-).
Thought this might be of interest. Well, maybe there is also someone that could explain the (missing auto-)mount-issue.