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Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

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    Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

    I get the idea of poll from ubuntu forum here

    i know is like a copy but i dont thing will complain anyone
    I vote c because i have some issues with kubuntu. The problems i have is.

    1.No plymouth with the latest nvidia driver
    2. Suspend is not working
    3. Akonadi errors for d-bus and mysql in every login
    4. kadressbook miss some old features
    5. sometimes too much cpu usage from xorg
    I give it an A, this version of Ubuntu is looking great!
    I'll go with a B. This looks good, though...
    C for me. There are some issues.
    I give it a D. I'm not impressed.
    I'd go with F. The Lucid Beta is terrible!!!

    Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

    I gave it a "B" although there were some hiccups when installing from beta that I didn't have with upgrading from alpha:
    - no firefox installer. Installing firefox with apt-get firefox does not appear in the menu so I had to add it by hand.
    - kdesudo still bugged
    - some changes in /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme but nothing spectacular
    - had to reboot to get plasma to keep my widget positions

    For a beta pretty good
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

      I was tempted to give "B", but finally voted "C" instead. So far I have experienced some moderate problems:
      - network manager messed up my resolv.conf as usually (solved!)
      - splash is a real annoyance. I does work on shutdown and doesn't during boot (I get a black screen with some garbage on it). I can't switch it off either (nosplash option doesn't work). I wish I could. I would like to see startup messages.
      - I couldn't log in and start KDE session (KDE problem related to and nvidia drivers, apparently unclean uninstall) - finally solved!!
      - jockey-kde doesn't work
      - system date and time are not updated on startup (no idea why) - big problem for me and so far unsolved (I guess I will add ntpdate to crontab, but I still would prefer update during boot)
      - I had to uninstall some programs because they caused update manager to exit


        Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

        I have to give it an A so far, upgraded my main laptop, the only problem of any sort I have had was that Firefox was missing it's icon in the menu and my taskbar entry.

        On my desktop I have a dual boot Karmic and clean lucid install. The Lucid open drivers for my on-board ati radeon 3200HD provide both desktop effects and hdmi audio to my television without any extra configuration (though my cheap tv does not have it's native resolution autodetected by any linux flavor)


          Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

          I downloaded the beta CD image, checked the MD5sum (it matched) and burned a CD with K3B.
          Live CD took a long time to get going, after an ugly splash screen (purple?).
          Network Manager still unable to connect using WPA2 - does it only work for unencrypted links?

          Not impressed. There need to be some improvement before April 28.

          HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


            Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

            Most of us don't even get a splash screen (boots too durn fast ), but currently it is still the Ubuntu graphic as the porting to a kubuntu theme is not complete iirrc

            I have no problems connecting with wpa2 on my router here.


              Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

              As in the Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha, Suspend to RAM is broken (green and pink pixel garbage on resume). Without this I'm not interested in running the beta, especially since the live CD I burned was unusably slow . I'm really unhappy about that. If the final Kubuntu release doesn't fix it, and I don't expect it to, I'll eventually have to start looking for an alternative.

              One last hope is that it's only a problem with the nouveau driver and that it'll be fine with the official nivida driver. Although I suspended from a console, not X, so I don't know if it makes a difference. And the last non-Ubuntu distro (or distros? OpenSUSE was one of them) I tried didn't have working suspend with nvidia either.


                Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

                Originally posted by claydoh
                Most of us don't even get a splash screen (boots too durn fast ),
                yes... and isn't that just wonderful....

                I give it an A, I have an optimized for linux laptop. intel graphics, atheros wireless, everything just works

                My main love for kubuntu is the fact that the kde part isn't being mucked with with a bunch of "we think you should use it like this" thought philosophies. thank you kubuntu devs for an outstanding product (IMO of course )


                  Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

                  I gave it a B. (for Beta )

                  If this were a Gold release I'd be disappointed, but it is a good Beta.

                  There are schedules for doing things in a release. "Ubuntu" will disappear from the splash screens in due time.

                  My only problem, currently, is that my GM45 powered (i915 driver) display will occasionally tear for a fraction of a second, usually along the panel at the bottom, and occasionally through the center.

                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

                    B for Beta - absolutely

                    I ran the standard version live on my aspire one netbook and it is blazingly fast with full desktop effects running.

                    Minor issues for me are the kdesudo file protocol dying thing and occasional plasma crashes, which I suppose are par for the course with a beta.

                    Wlan/wpa2 is working great. No problems there.

                    I'm very tempted to install it as it certainly seems faster than the existing sidux install, which was a bit faster than karmic and none are slouches . Everything just seems that little bit snappier on LL.



                      Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

                      I'm probably not what you would call a "torture-tester", but except for the "kdesudo" mis-behavior, it seems totally functional on my desktop. With the proprietary Nvidia driver installed, I'm so happy with the latest version of KDE Desktop Effects that I have not bothered to install compiz on it. VMware, samba, Firefox, gimp -- it all seems fine here. I gave it an "A".


                        Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

                        For me an A vote.
                        The A comes from me getting Kaffeine back.
                        With Intrepid I lost Amarok (no audio), or was it Jaunty? the 2.0. Any way I started using Kaffeine which I like.
                        Then Karmic killed Kaffeine so I started using VLC. Now I have a choice of Kaffeine or VLC.
                        Amarok still don't work but it seems to have become bloatware anyhow.

                        Boot is a little faster, about a minute with my old pentium 4.
                        Notifications still cause residual artifacts but that's a known bug with old ATI video, may have gotten worse?
                        Good Beta.

                        Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


                          Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

                          I am getting frequent crashes in which I am sent back to a console logon screen. I can sometimes logon here but almost as soon as I am on the screen goes black apart from a static cursor in the top left. If I press my off button, I normally (not always) get a clean shutdown. This is happening every 30 minutes or so (though the interval varies a lot).

                          I am using the standard desktop install (not the netbook one) on an eeePC 901. My 10.04 beta was installed from USB stick as a fresh install but still using my /home partition from 9.10 (on which I was running KDE4.4).

                          No one else seems to be reporting this but it is too frequent to be ignored. Am I alone??!

                          PS - other than that, I really do like it. The boot speed is incredible!


                            Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

                            You should give your problem a new thread and just leave this one for your impressions of Lucid.
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Re: Kubuntu 10.04 Beta Impressions

                              OK, fair enough! Though I have not had a crash since just before I made my post - I guess it got fixed by the daily updates. So I am left only with very positive impressions of 10.04:

                              - Very fast to start up.
                              - Everything (apart from Firefox sometimes) feels snappy to use.
                              - Desktop and the fonts size themselves nicely for my small netbook screen.
                              - The nasty Intel video driver crashes seem to have gone away... might be too early to say.

                              Criticisms? Well perhaps there is little point in installing Konqueror as the default browser - it never works with many key sites that I use regularly (possibly not through its own fault admittedly - some sites just get uppity about browsers they don't quite recognise). It would be better to have Firefox installed from the very beginning. That way, "normal" users (Windows refugees) would not be confused, and perhaps put off, by the blue "Web Browser" menu option that doesn't work for them.

                              Also, I am not convinced by the netbook edition. I suppose some folk must feel that layout is needed on small screens (Dell use a similar-looking interface on their Linux netbooks), What I would rather the netbook edition did was concentrate on delivering KDE without soaking up so much disk space. Perhaps more hardware detection at start up to be more selective about gets installed?

                              Sorry, rabbiting.


