This morning I installed the latest updates to 10.04, Alpha 3. The installation was working flawlessly and reliably last night. So well in fact that I considered using it as my main system from now on out (data on separate partitions/drives).
No more. After the upgrade the following new issues were present:
1. Grub did not find and list as start-up option a second hard drive and its partitions;
2. The 'Leave' button on the K-Menu did not get me to a restart or shutoff. CLI required to shut off.
3. Display is set to 800x600 resolution and can not be adjusted via System Settings.
Update-grub command fixed the first problem (on a fresh start in recovery mode).
A command line 'shutdown -r now' will get you out of the system, but is an inconvenience.
I have not yet solved the problem with the display resolution. May have to install nvidia driver and use nvidia-settings to adjust the resolution.
With the exception of the grub problem, all other problems are repeats of issues that occurred before and were fixed.
How come "updates" that are meant to improve an OS always have a few retrograde improvements added?
Does anyone else find these problems as well?
No more. After the upgrade the following new issues were present:
1. Grub did not find and list as start-up option a second hard drive and its partitions;
2. The 'Leave' button on the K-Menu did not get me to a restart or shutoff. CLI required to shut off.
3. Display is set to 800x600 resolution and can not be adjusted via System Settings.
Update-grub command fixed the first problem (on a fresh start in recovery mode).
A command line 'shutdown -r now' will get you out of the system, but is an inconvenience.
I have not yet solved the problem with the display resolution. May have to install nvidia driver and use nvidia-settings to adjust the resolution.
With the exception of the grub problem, all other problems are repeats of issues that occurred before and were fixed.
How come "updates" that are meant to improve an OS always have a few retrograde improvements added?
Does anyone else find these problems as well?