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kde bug 182869 still exist in kubuntu 10.04

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    kde bug 182869 still exist in kubuntu 10.04

    This bug is still exist in kubuntu 10.04

    I have tested with chrome, konqueror, firefox and every time i have to open many tabs with flash, cpu usage of broswer goes to 60-70%. Anyone else notice this bug?

    Re: kde bug 182869 still exist in kubuntu 10.04

    I see that nspluginviewer it use 90-80% cpu!! The distro is very unstable because i have general too much cpu usage from xorg and from compiz that goes over 40-50%


      Re: kde bug 182869 still exist in kubuntu 10.04

      Originally posted by vista killer
      I see that nspluginviewer it use 90-80% cpu!!
      I have seen nspluginviewer get "stuck" as an orphaned process. If you open a Konsole window, and issue
      killall nspluginviewer
      that will solve the problem. Until the next time .....


        Re: kde bug 182869 still exist in kubuntu 10.04

        Comment #9 gave this work-around:
        I investigated this problem much further, and I think now that this is related to Qt's glib support (in paricular, polling of events).
        This bug and Bug 154270 (heavy Xorg and KWin cpu usage with Desktop Effects) perhaps comes from the same reason.
        So, try to set an environment variable:
        export QT_NO_GLIB=1
        before your kde session start.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

