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How stable is Alpha 3?

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    How stable is Alpha 3?

    I've been away from Kubuntu for quite a while, and haven't been keeping up with it.
    I've been using Chakra Project Distro, but it's just not getting stable enough for me.
    I don't mind a few hiccups here and there, but I just don't want a distro that crashes all over the place. [not saying this happens in Chakra, but still....]

    I know all about "Use at your own Risk", I've been using pre-releases of Ubuntu / Kubuntu for years now, I was just curious how "it really is."


    Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

    ive been using since the start of dev cycle, with updates current my 2 laptops and 1 desktop are all running very stable. I've not had a serious system on either of the laptops. the desktop is a little more shaky with old nvidia graphics card but that is the only minor irritation. both laptops have been rock solid. kde is quite lovely now and can only get better. I highly recommend you at least try it.


      Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

      I had been downloading and trying Lucid Lynx daily LiveCDs since the first of the year. I noticed a steady improvement in all categories as time progressed. After playing with the 2/27/10 Daily LiveCD for a couple hours I decided it was time to replace Karmic on all of my PCs.

      It was a decision that I have not regretted. As I write this EVERY APP I have regularly used is installed on this Sony VAIO laptop and is running almost perfectly. That includes GoogleEarth, Stellarium, SAGE, QtCreator, bzr KDenlive, VLC, Audacity, Skype 2.1, FireFox K3b, Thunderbird, Kate, Kwrite, KMymoney, yawp (a weather plasmoid), KNetworkManager, PostgreSQL 8.4, PGAdmin3, Maxima, Step, gl-117, lincity-NG, and a host of games, Blender, DigiKam, GIMP, Inkscape, OpenShot (a new one I just tried), and many, many more.

      The problems I've encountered:
      Occasionally a plasmoid will crash, but they always seem to start right back up without intervention.
      The detection of my HDA Intel audio chip was better in Jaunty and Karmic. They presented selectable inputs as two dropdown combo boxes, "Source 1" and "Source 2", to which I could attach "mic", "Line in", "Aux" or "CDROM". Lucid Lynx offers NO selectable inputs automatically binds the mic and the cdrom to a single capture control. I haven't plugged an external audio input device in yet, so I don't know if it would be automatically bound to that capture slider as well.

      On my 5 year old Gateway m675prr laptop Lucid Lynx installed like a silk glove, with one exception: no sound. The ICH5 sound chip appears to be recognized, KMixer and AlsaMixer are populated with controls which slide up and down, mute on and off, etc..., but NO SOUND.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

        I just installed the daily build "Alternate", 5 MARCH version, 64-bit, this morning. Although I'm going to have to fiddle further to get an Nvidia driver installed on it, everything seems quite solid after several hours of beating on it here. Grub2 found my other OS and picked it up properly on the boot menu. No plasma crashes so far, Dolphin works as advertised, strigi did not take over my computer, boot time is nice and fast -- my first impression is that it's as least as solid as 9.10 was yesterday.


          Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

          I'd say that for an alpha it's extremely stable... but it's still an alpha.


            Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

            Originally posted by dibl
            I just installed the daily build "Alternate", 5 MARCH version, 64-bit, this morning. Although I'm going to have to fiddle further to get an Nvidia driver installed on it, everything seems quite solid after several hours of beating on it here. Grub2 found my other OS and picked it up properly on the boot menu. No plasma crashes so far, Dolphin works as advertised, strigi did not take over my computer, boot time is nice and fast -- my first impression is that it's as least as solid as 9.10 was yesterday.
            I have just replaced karmic on my desktop with lucid today and no major issues so far. Immediately after the install i went to nvidia site and downloaded the latest drivers for my 8800 card but could not install it. On a whim I navigated to system settings/hardware drivers and asked to activate the latest nvidia drivers and after rebooting the PC I was pleasantly surprised that it had installed the latest nvidia-linux x86 -64 195.36.08. Now need to activate coolbits, crank it up and go annihilate the baddies in alien arena.


              Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

              Originally posted by assettt

              Now need to activate coolbits, crank it up and go annihilate the baddies in alien arena.

              You go, assettt, and may the best man win!

              p.s. If you really want the latest 195.36.08 Nvidia driver, I just posted how to do it here. Or maybe after you've used the Hardware Drivers deal it will not be blocked by the nouveau driver.


                Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

                Originally posted by dibl
                Dolphin works as advertised,
                Does it EVER! The more I use it the more I love it.

                strigi did not take over my computer, boot time is nice and fast -- my first impression is that it's as least as solid as 9.10 was yesterday.
                I noticed that as well. When I started up LL on this Sony VAIO the first msg I got was strigi "indexing ....", but it finished faster than I could uninstall it ... but I uninstalled it anyway, and that database that Canonical is stuffing down our throats, "vurtuoso".
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: How stable is Alpha 3?


                  being using Lucid since the first day.

                  It's going very stable except kontact. I spent 90% of my working day reading and writing emails and i use 3 imap servers. I guess i still have to wait until SC 4.2

                  Either than that, it's working really great ( except maybe some nepomuk weirdness once in a while ) and running very stable.

                  keep the Good work, kubuntu team
                  Distributor ID: Ubuntu
                  Description: Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (development branch)
                  Release: 14.04
                  Codename: trusty


                    Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

                    As others have said, lucid seems to be pretty stable with fast loading and indexing really fast. The only thing I've noticed in the last 24 hours is sometimes after restart, compositing takes too long to be enabled and will get suspended, but only really affects desktop effects.. Usually will be fine after a reboot.


                      Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

                      Quote from Dible
                      Dolphin works as advertised
                      kdesudo dolphin
                      works as well?


                      kdesudo 'dbus-launch dolphin --nofork'
                      works for now.

                      Otherwise LL is very cool

                      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                      4 GB Ram
                      Kubuntu 18.10


                        Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

                        Ooops, you are correct -- the kdesudo dolphin command does not work correctly. I had not tried that one. All of the file and network browsing functions seem to work right for the user, however.


                          Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

                          Originally posted by dibl

                          Ooops, you are correct -- the kdesudo dolphin command does not work correctly.
                          Well, that was yesterday. Today, after running updates, (and noting my system has 17 hours uptime), I did Alt-F2 "kdesudo dolphin" and here is what I see:

                          I guess they fixed it!


                            Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

                            Hopefully that means the fix will be coming down for Karmic as well. Just tried again, Alt+F2 kdesudo dolphin and nope, the file protocol death is still present.
                            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                              Re: How stable is Alpha 3?

                              I have two problem. The one is the high cpu use from xorg and the system have much lag. The other strange problem is that sometimes my net connection hangs. I dont know if this is knetworkmanager problem.

