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4 minor glitches in Alpha 3

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    4 minor glitches in Alpha 3

    Overall this seems to be the best kubuntu ever. Boot time is amazing, the desktop itself is fast, and everything seems to work very well overall. I have noticed a few things that have issues:

    If in powermanager I set the performance profile to just blank screen rather than log out, the cursor disappears from the screen when I open the lid. I have to either move the touchpad/mouse and see where it highlights (so the mouse is working, just no visible cursor), or just press the power button to prompt the logout. Logging in and out fixes it. For now, "lock screen" setting is a "workaround."
    --> this happens with the usb mouse OR touchpad.

    Facebook applet says it cannot open the facebook package. I tried installing some facebook related packages, but this didn't fix it.

    When new applets are added to the desktop, it seems to create instability in the location of the others and one needs to "chase the others" around the desktop. Locking the desktop then unlocking it helps for relocating.

    Kpackagekit will hang on "authenticating" but will not prompt password dialog at times. Closing and relaunching it with "kdesudo kpackagekit" is a workaround. This is an intermittent issue. Sometimes it just works.