I got this RollerMouse Pro, a quite neat device as a complement to a ordinary mouse.
For Karmic it work out of the box more or less (some buttons don't seem to work, I haven't tried setting it up yet) but when I try to boot Lucid xserver crash and screen goes black (input to the screen actually dies). I can log in to terminal in safemode but can't startx.
There's no difference between the xorg.conf of KK & LL really, there isn't a mouse device mentioned in either one of them(maybe there shouldn't be?).
All topics for these kind of devices on ubuntuforums is atleast 1½ y old, not sure they are much help either(would it be any difference if I took the xorg.conf like here and get the essential?). One other mentioned switching plug usb>ps2 ... but since it do work in KK I'm not sure what :S
Greygeek spoke of "X --configure", HAL and Grub2 vs Grub in another post here, but I have no clue if this has anything to do with it. My Karmic install is a upgrade from Intripid (thus Grub) while the Lucid is a fresh install.
It could be a bug but since it does work in Karmic I assume it's some setting.
I don't know .. and not much to find on the net either .. seems most that run these devices do it in a office .. and most of those run M$ (atleast that's my assumption )
PS; Brilliant piece of device in Karmic .. seem to take some time to get used to though
EDIT hmm .. it do work if I plug it in after I have logged in... actually both mouse and roller work if plugged in after login.
I got this RollerMouse Pro, a quite neat device as a complement to a ordinary mouse.
For Karmic it work out of the box more or less (some buttons don't seem to work, I haven't tried setting it up yet) but when I try to boot Lucid xserver crash and screen goes black (input to the screen actually dies). I can log in to terminal in safemode but can't startx.
There's no difference between the xorg.conf of KK & LL really, there isn't a mouse device mentioned in either one of them(maybe there shouldn't be?).
All topics for these kind of devices on ubuntuforums is atleast 1½ y old, not sure they are much help either(would it be any difference if I took the xorg.conf like here and get the essential?). One other mentioned switching plug usb>ps2 ... but since it do work in KK I'm not sure what :S
Greygeek spoke of "X --configure", HAL and Grub2 vs Grub in another post here, but I have no clue if this has anything to do with it. My Karmic install is a upgrade from Intripid (thus Grub) while the Lucid is a fresh install.
It could be a bug but since it does work in Karmic I assume it's some setting.
I don't know .. and not much to find on the net either .. seems most that run these devices do it in a office .. and most of those run M$ (atleast that's my assumption )
PS; Brilliant piece of device in Karmic .. seem to take some time to get used to though
EDIT hmm .. it do work if I plug it in after I have logged in... actually both mouse and roller work if plugged in after login.