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Plasma 5 on Kubuntu 14.10
Rohan Garg
Thu Jun 26 13:18:11 UTC 2014
## Description
Plasma 5 is an evolutionary release of the popular plasma desktop
workspace. Plasma 5 runs on top of a fully hardware-accelerated
graphics stack,
using Qt 5, QML 2 and an OpenGL(-ES) scenegraph to deliver graphics
onto the users' screens. This allows the rendering to be faster, more
efficient, less power-hungry and enables a smoother user experience by
freeing up resources of the system processor. Plasma 5 completes
the migration of the workspace to Qt Quick that has begun in earlier releases.
Kubuntu would like to ship an ISO that provides the Plasma 5
experience while also shipping the regular KDE Software Collection
with Plasma 1 ISO,
so that users may be able to choose between a tested stable system and
a newer system still in heavy development.
## The plan
Rohan Garg
Thu Jun 26 13:18:11 UTC 2014
## Description
Plasma 5 is an evolutionary release of the popular plasma desktop
workspace. Plasma 5 runs on top of a fully hardware-accelerated
graphics stack,
using Qt 5, QML 2 and an OpenGL(-ES) scenegraph to deliver graphics
onto the users' screens. This allows the rendering to be faster, more
efficient, less power-hungry and enables a smoother user experience by
freeing up resources of the system processor. Plasma 5 completes
the migration of the workspace to Qt Quick that has begun in earlier releases.
Kubuntu would like to ship an ISO that provides the Plasma 5
experience while also shipping the regular KDE Software Collection
with Plasma 1 ISO,
so that users may be able to choose between a tested stable system and
a newer system still in heavy development.
## The plan